How to List Debian Packages Across All Linux Devices
Using Kolide, you can easily view and query Linux Debian Packages across your fleet.
Debian packages are the standard way to install software packages on linux distributions based on Debian.
What Linux Debian Package Data Can Kolide Collect?
Kolide's endpoint agent bundles in osquery to efficiently collect Linux Debian Packages from Linux devices in your fleet. Once collected, Kolide will parse, clean up, and centrally store this data in Inventory for your team to view, query, or export via API.
Kolide meticulously documents every piece of data returned so you can understand the results.
Linux Debian Packages Schema
Column | Type | Description | |
id | Primary Key |
Unique identifier for the object |
device_id | Foreign Key |
Device associated with the entry |
device_name | Text |
Display name of the device associated with the entry |
arch | Text |
Debian package architecture |
maintainer | Text |
Debian package maintainer |
mount_namespace_id | Text |
Debian package mount namespace id |
name | Text |
Debian package name |
pid_with_namespace | Integer |
Debian package pidwithnamespace |
priority | Text |
Debian package priority |
revision | Text |
Debian package revision |
section | Text |
Debian package section |
size | Bigint |
Debian package size in bytes |
source | Text |
Debian package source |
status | Text |
Debian package status |
version | Text |
The text representation of the version |
version_major | Bigint |
version_minor | Bigint |
version_patch | Bigint |
version_subpatch | Bigint |
version_pre | Text |
version_build | Text |
collected_at | Timestamp |
Time the row of data was first collected in the database |
updated_at | Timestamp |
Time the row of data was last changed in the database |
What Can You Do With This Information?
Kolide enables you to write your own queries against the data the agent collects. This allows you to build your own reports and API endpoints. For example, you can:
SELECT device_name, name, version FROM linux_debian_packages WHERE name = 'zoom'
device_name | name | version |
airstream | zoom | 5.7.31792.0820 |
daves-pc | zoom | 5.7.31792.0820 |
crusher999 | zoom | |
bambox | zoom | |
-- Linux packages can come from two different sources (rpm_packages, and debian_packages)
-- We combine two queries using a UNION ALL and matching the columns
union_linux_packages AS (
'dpkg' AS source,
FROM linux_debian_packages
'rpm' AS source,
FROM linux_rpm_packages
SELECT * FROM union_linux_packages WHERE name = 'clamav'
device_name | name | version | source |
bambox | clamav | 0.103.6+dfsg-0+deb11u1 | dpkg |
pancake | clamav | 0.103.6+dfsg-0ubuntu0.21.10.1 | dpkg |
Dave-thinkpad-x1 | clamav | 0.103.6+dfsg-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 | dpkg |
jeff-pc | clamav | 0.103.6+dfsg-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 | dpkg |
crayoneater | clamav | 0.103.6+dfsg-0ubuntu0.20.04.1 | dpkg |
Airstream | clamav | 0.103.6 | rpm |
-- Linux packages can come from two different sources (rpm_packages, and debian_packages)
-- We combine two queries using a UNION ALL and matching the columns
union_linux_packages AS (
'dpkg' AS source,
version AS installed_version,
version_major AS installed_version_major,
version_minor AS installed_version_minor,
version_patch AS installed_version_patch,
version_subpatch AS installed_version_subpatch
FROM linux_debian_packages
'rpm' AS source,
version AS installed_version,
version_major AS installed_version_major,
version_minor AS installed_version_minor,
version_patch AS installed_version_patch,
version_subpatch AS installed_version_subpatch
FROM linux_rpm_packages
zoom_latest_prompted AS (
version AS latest_prompted_version,
CAST(version_major AS int) AS latest_major,
CAST(version_minor AS int) AS latest_minor,
CAST(version_patch AS int) AS latest_patch,
CAST(version_build AS int) AS latest_build
FROM zoom_latest_releases
WHERE platform = 'linux' AND release_type = 'latest_prompted_release'
merge_data AS (
ulp.*, zlp.*
FROM union_linux_packages ulp, zoom_latest_prompted zlp
WHERE name = 'zoom'
-- Evaluate installed version against latest_prompted_release
SELECT device_name, installed_version, latest_prompted_version,
installed_version_major < latest_major
OR installed_version_major <= latest_major AND installed_version_minor < latest_minor
OR installed_version_major <= latest_major AND installed_version_minor <= latest_minor AND installed_version_patch < latest_patch
OR installed_version_major <= latest_major AND installed_version_minor <= latest_minor AND installed_version_patch <= latest_patch AND installed_version_subpatch < latest_build
) THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END AS zoom_requires_update
FROM merge_data;
device_name | installed_version | latest_prompted_version | zoom_requires_update |
airstream | 5.7.31792.0820 | 5.10.4 (2845) | true |
daves-pc | 5.7.31792.0820 | 5.10.4 (2845) | true |
conference-room-zoom | | 5.10.4 (2845) | false |
Bambox | | 5.10.4 (2845) | true |
Why Should I Collect Linux Debian Packages?
Since .deb
packages are the standard way to install software on a wide range of
Linux operating system distributions, there is the potential for malicious
actors to distribute malware. Given the wide range of possible software that
can be installed, it is important to regularly audit the list of installed
packages on a machine.
packages are cataloged and tracked to allow:
- Reviewing installed packages to verify desired device configuration
- Discovering potential malicious software
- Identifying out-of-date or otherwise vulnerable software packages
- Identifying unsafe or unapproved installed software
Kolide collects metadata about Debian packages including name, version and source
End-User Privacy Consideration
Kolide practices Honest Security. We believe that data should be collected from end-user devices transparently and with privacy in mind.
Debian package installations reveal a partial list of the applications and software installed on your device. This could include software used for personal or sensitive reasons.
When you use Kolide to list Linux Debian Package data from end-user devices, Kolide gives the people using those devices insight into exactly what data is collected, the privacy implications, and who on the IT team can see the data. This all happens in our end-user privacy center which can be accessed directly by employees.